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Shed the Shame with Jenny Whitens - Episode 110: Unlocking Your True Purpose: Embrace Your Story and Change Lives with Laura Pfeiffer

Ep 110: Unlocking Your True Purpose: Embrace Your Story and Change Lives with Laura Pfeiffer

July 07, 20232 min read

"When you start shifting your energy into the thing that’s for you, then opportunities start coming. People start coming into your life that are in those areas that can give you actual experienced guidance. Because you can’t take advice from people who haven’t done it - and you SHOULDN’T."

Everyone has a story, and it's time to embrace yours.

Are you hesitant to share your story? Afraid of judgment or thinking no one will care?

Well, let Laura Pfeiffer show you how embracing your story can lead you to your true purpose while making a difference in the lives of others.

Laura, an incredible special needs mom and entrepreneur, has overcome numerous obstacles – raising a daughter with disabilities and battling a brain tumor. But here's the twist: instead of dwelling on the difficulties, Laura focused on what she could achieve.

Initially, she hesitated to share her story. However, she soon realized the tremendous impact her journey could have on women facing similar situations. As a coach for career-focused moms, she began sharing her experiences.

And guess what happened next?

Opportunities started pouring in for Laura. She wrote magazine articles, created a TV show called "Moms Who Rock," and became an inspiring figure for many!

Now, let's learn a thing or two from Laura's extraordinary journey:

✨ Trust your intuition and follow your heart

✨ Take action, no matter how small, towards your passions

✨ Embrace change and allow yourself to grow

✨ Your story has the power to inspire and help others

Laura's story serves as a reminder that embracing our vulnerabilities and sharing our experiences can lead us to our true purpose.

Our challenges don't define us – they make us stronger so we can support others on their own journeys!

So, what's your story?

Embrace it with all your heart and be amazed at where it takes you. You never know, it might just change lives along the way!

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