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Shed The Shame Podcast Episode 115: From Grief to Greatness: Kate Douglass' Triumph Over Mental Health Challenges, Pandemic Stress, and Divorce

Shed The Shame Podcast Episode 115: From Grief to Greatness: Kate Douglass' Triumph Over Mental Health Challenges, Pandemic Stress, and Divorce

November 08, 20233 min read


Kate Douglass is a certified behavior change and weight loss specialist with a deeply personal understanding of her field. After experiencing the trials of the pandemic and undergoing a divorce, she gained a profound awareness of the challenges faced by those trying to manage their weight after significant life events.

In this interview, Kate shares with us her journey of re-self-discovery after her divorce and emphasizes how learning to parent yourself, feeding and caring for that inner child, and giving yourself permission to live the life you want and need is crucial in your self-love and care journey. Finding fulfillment from within yourself is one of the most important aspects of physical, mental, and spiritual growth, and today Kate has the perfect story of inspiration for all of us!

Outside Validation Equals An Inside That’s Empty

Kate Douglas is a woman who understands struggle and healing on a deeply personal level. In her insightful conversation with Jen in this episode, Kate opened up about the mental health challenges she faced after the end of her marriage. She had derived so much of her self-worth from being someone's wife and from her career success. When those external validations were taken away, Kate was left feeling utterly lost.

The Struggle Is Real…and Serious

She sank into a depression, turning to disordered eating habits like nighttime binging as a way to cope. Kate's self-esteem hit rock bottom. But she refused to stay stuck in that dark place forever. Through therapy and implementing daily self-care practices, Kate began the difficult journey of healing from within.

This Is The Way

Small steps like daily walks, journaling her feelings, and allowing herself to truly feel all of her emotions, both good and bad, were integral to Kate's recovery. She had to learn that her worth wasn't defined by others' opinions. True fulfillment could only be found from within.
Kate emphasized that this process was far from easy. There were many setbacks as old habits and negative thought patterns tried to pull her back. But she persevered with compassion for herself. When the pandemic and divorce isolation left Kate at her lowest point yet, she found the inner strength to keep going.

From Grief To Greatness

Today, Kate uses her lived experiences to help other women through their own struggles with mental health, divorce, weight loss and more. She encourages seeking community support when needed rather than trying to cope alone. Kate's story inspires us that no matter our past challenges, we all have the power to heal ourselves and emerge even stronger.


Kate Douglas' story reminds us that healing is not a linear process, but a journey that requires perseverance and self-compassion. Most importantly, Kate proves that we all have the ability to overcome hardship and reclaim our power. When external factors change, true fulfillment can only be found from within by learning to love ourselves unconditionally. While the path is difficult, taking small steps daily towards self-care and emotional processing makes lasting recovery possible. Kate's story is one of hope that no matter our past, we possess the strength to heal and emerge even stronger. Her message of inner empowerment will continue inspiring others to prioritize their well-being and walk confidently in who they are.

Want to be an insider in Kate’s world? You can find and follow everything she has to offer at her Instagram profile HERE!

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